Summary: The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

The Strangest Secret is a short essay by Earl Nightingale that has been one of the most influential self-help books of all time. It is based on the idea that our thoughts create our reality. Nightingale argues that we are all the sum total of our thoughts, and that what we think about determines our future.

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

The book begins with Nightingale asking the reader a simple question: "What is the strangest secret in the world?" He then reveals the answer: "You are what you think about."

Nightingale explains that our thoughts are like seeds that we plant in our minds. If we plant negative thoughts, we will reap negative results. If we plant positive thoughts, we will reap positive results.

Nightingale then goes on to discuss the importance of setting goals and visualizing success. He argues that if we can clearly see ourselves achieving our goals in our minds, we are more likely to achieve them in reality.

Finally, Nightingale discusses the importance of taking action. He argues that we can't just sit around and think about success. We have to take steps towards our goals in order to achieve them.

The Strangest Secret is a powerful message that can help us to create the life that we want. It is a reminder that we are in control of our own destiny, and that our thoughts and actions determine our future.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • Our thoughts create our reality.
  • We are what we think about.
  • Negative thoughts lead to negative results.
  • Positive thoughts lead to positive results.
  • It is important to set goals and visualize success.
  • We must take action in order to achieve our goals.

Here are some key points from the book:

  • Our thoughts create our reality. What we focus on grows stronger. If we focus on negative thoughts, we will create negative experiences. If we focus on positive thoughts, we will create positive experiences.
  • We are what we think about. Our thoughts become our beliefs, and our beliefs shape our actions. If we want to change our lives, we must change our thoughts.
  • Negative thoughts lead to negative results. When we focus on negative thoughts, we attract negative experiences. This can lead to a downward spiral of negativity.
  • Positive thoughts lead to positive results. When we focus on positive thoughts, we attract positive experiences. This can lead to a positive spiral of growth and success.
  • It is important to set goals and visualize success. When we have clear goals and we can see ourselves achieving them in our minds, we are more likely to achieve them in reality.
  • We must take action in order to achieve our goals. There is no magic pill for success. We have to put in the work and take steps towards our goals in order to achieve them.


Chapter-Wise Summary


Chapter 1: What is Success?

In the first chapter, Nightingale defines success as "the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." He argues that success is not about money or fame, but about living a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.

Chapter 2: The Strangest Secret Is...

In the second chapter, Nightingale reveals the "strangest secret in the world": "You are what you think about." He explains that our thoughts are like seeds that we plant in our minds. If we plant negative thoughts, we will reap negative results. If we plant positive thoughts, we will reap positive results.

Chapter 3: Believe and Succeed

In the third chapter, Nightingale discusses the importance of belief. He argues that if we believe that we can achieve our goals, we are more likely to achieve them. He also stresses the importance of visualizing our success.

Chapter 4: You're in the Driver's Seat

In the fourth chapter, Nightingale reminds us that we are in control of our own destiny. He argues that we can choose our thoughts and our actions, and that we can create the life that we want.

Chapter 5: The Price of Success

In the fifth chapter, Nightingale discusses the price of success. He argues that success requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. He also stresses the importance of giving back to others.

Chapter 6: Start Today

In the sixth chapter, Nightingale encourages us to start taking action towards our goals today. He argues that there is no better time to start than right now.


The Strangest Secret is a reminder that we are in control of our own destiny. Our thoughts create our reality, and we can choose to plant positive seeds that will lead to a successful and fulfilling life. By setting goals, visualizing our success, and taking action, we can create the life that we want.

The book challenges us to start thinking differently and to believe in ourselves. It is a call to action to create the life that we deserve.

The Strangest Secret is a short but powerful book that can help us to change our lives for the better. If you are looking for a book that will motivate you to achieve your goals, then this is the book for you.

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